I give props to all those that were able to make this happen and didn't stand in the way. The fact that we did this show in small town midwest is fascinating! It is tribute to the change that is happening in out country. We had one of the most successful runs that the theatre has seen for the space and we are gracious to all those that came and supported us.
We were able to deliver this message of love of all. The hate and discrimination are still a problem in our society...and that it must stop! Matthew Shepard was stripped of his life because he was different, because he was gay. The show aims to call out the hate that was behind this unforgivable act and show that its WRONG!
I am still amazed at the responses we received and the success of the show. But we didnt do it for us. Thanks again to all those who supported.
These past couple weeks there have been numerous reports of gay teens who committed suicide because they were bullied and hated. This cannot go on in our country. It is a very sad time in our country because hate is more publicized then good and we cant let that go on. Love is what we must be founded on. Not one person on this earth is better then another.
I urge all of you that don't accept our lifestyle to think about those who accept you unconditionally. Who love you, flaws and all. You might not accept the way we chose to love, But that doesn't mean you can look at us with hate and fear. We are beings too, created to serve on this earth. Please let your hate go.
To all of you who might be getting bullied or tore down because of your sexuality, remain strong! Seek those that love you. You belong here with us and never forget that. Don't take your life because one or two people hate, remember all those that love instead. You are valuable, and are amazing, you are loved.
Thank You Ellen for this message! -- Watch This Video!!